SOCO Gallery 2020 Review



On behalf of the entire ARTERNAL team and we want to say thank you for supporting us as a solution-focused technology startup. We look forward to continuing to be part of your success.
In 2020, we made strides in furthering our longstanding commitment to a vibrant future for the art marketplace, to the sustainability of the art marketplace, and creating an ecosystem of digital tools that help art professionals spend more time building relationships with clients.
Our team knows first-hand that relationships are the core of the art world. Our goal is to help you deepen and expand on your relationships using our suite of tools, data, and insights to help you adapt and thrive online. A few months into the start of this new year, our goal is not to merely disrupt the industry, but rather we hope you continue to join us in creating a sustainable art marketplace for the future. We welcome your ideas and feedback on how ARTERNAL can continue to provide the best products and support for your gallery. ”

– Sean Green
SOCO Gallery 2020 Review



You’ve built more relationships than 99% of ARTERNAL users
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Relationship building

Some of the top ways you built relationships last year in ARTERNAL

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Last years top stories and tips

Feature in Andreessen Horowitz

As a leading pioneer in the space, ARTERNAL is proud to announce our feature in the blog post by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) on Fintech & Vertical SaaS

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Why Diversity and Anti-Black Systemic Racism Matter in the Art Industry

The majority of private museums are owned by white men. This alone is a major factor in the underrepresentation of artists of color and women.

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Top Predictions for the Art Industry in 2020 from Sean Green

Sean Green shares the 2020 art industry predictions that resonated with him the most.

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Thank you

Thank you for trusting us with your business in 2020. We understand that technology helps deepen and expand relationships, not diminish or impede them so keep your eyes open, and your inbox refreshed for our coming launches that we know you you’ll love.

Your check-in is pending: Meet with our Client Relations Associate to learn more about your account.

– Georgieanna Richer
Check in

What we're building for 2021

More efficient ways to streamline your communications & transactions.

More tools to build deeper relationships & drive sales.

Deeper vertical integration so you can save time.

Smart Financial Integration & Tax Compliance Tracking

More tools so you can convert more sales, increase price point, and get paid immediately.

Improved reporting

and more...

Have any feedback?

Thank you for trusting us with your business in 2020. We're excited to do even more!

We welcome your ideas and feedback on how ARTERNAL can provide the best products and support for your business.

✋ Give us feedback